Improving Your Charge Capture

Discover Missed Charge Captures with Our Clinical Fingerprint Tool

Over the years, our CPSC team has worked diligently with a number of clinical practice plans to improve their financial yield. We achieved their goals not by working harder or by increasing patient volume, but by simply uncovering hidden opportunities and helping them get paid for work that was already being performed.

Using our CPSC Clinical Fingerprint report, groups can monitor coding and service mix to identify thousands of dollars in missed charge capture opportunities. Reports pinpoint ways for you to improve charge capture, including:

  • Identifying unbilled procedures
  • Conducting a service mix review
  • Measuring the yield and intensity of procedures
  • Monitoring the ratio between initial and subsequent hospital care for inpatients

What Are CPSC Users Saying?

“Data from the Clinical Practice Solutions Center allows for easy understanding of our coding and charge capture and where we are leaving money on the table.”

Are Your Providers Missing Charges?

Perform a zero-code analysis on a provider or a specialty in the Clinical Fingerprint Report to uncover missed charge capture opportunities potentially amounting to thousands of dollars. 


Another way of evaluating the relative mix of services rendered by a practice is to measure its procedural yield and intensity.

  • Procedural yield can be measured in two ways: per new patient visit and per total outpatient visits.
  • Intensity is measured as work RVUs per unit.

Combined with a diagnostic coding profile, you can uncover variances in service mix with a Yield-Intensity Analysis. Once these discrepancies are identified, CPSC members can use our database to compare their organization’s variances with similar peer groups. This allows you to identify industry-proven solutions that improve charge capture.

When CPSC users compare their own billing patterns with the average for academic physicians in the specialty, our members have found instances where specific CPT codes were not billed — even though the services were already being performed.

These discoveries have led to countless instances of process improvement as well as coding and billing education, all resulting in increased revenue.